Heartwarming News from Harvard Square on this Election Day!

As we anxiously await the outcome of this election day, The Harvard Square Business Association is pleased to share heartwarming news.

Andy Griswold, Business Manager at Cambridge-Ellis School and a valued member of the Harvard Square Business Association, recently reached out to the HSBA to ask about a project that young students in their Amber Room, ages 3-4 years old, could do within their skillset and truly make a difference. HSBA executive director, Denise Jillson, suggested that the children compile “To-go lunch bags” consisting of fruit, crackers, pre-packed cheese, juice drinks and cookies and place them at the “Fridge in the Square”. She said, “This is an easy task…even for small children, that will help the unhoused and food insecure who depend on the fridge and pantry for daily sustenance.”

Cambridge-Ellis School Amber Room Co-Head Teacher Maura Walsh said, “We have continued to think and talk about what we can do to support the unhoused community. While we don’t know how to build houses, we do know how to assist in alleviating hunger with delicious food. The children were excited to pack lunches so unhoused people and people who need food can have a healthy meal.”

According to one of the teachers, “A passerby who saw them was so inspired, he contributed two bottles of iced tea from his own bag.”

Griswold said, “We’re expanding the food drive to the whole school this weekend with a note of encouragement from the Amber Room to the other classrooms.” “Fridge in the Square” is hosted by First Parish and sponsored by the Harvard Square Business Association and local volunteers. Jillson said, “It is gratifying to see little children helping out in this way. Cambridge-Ellis is teaching them to be the leaders of tomorrow; their actions bode well for the future of our community and our country.”